Now that most modern dating has moved online, and people are meeting over video chatting platforms like Zoom, many are growing tired of answering the same icebreaker questions over and over. Video date small talk can get boring, and most of us crave adventure, connection, and fun. Zoom dating isn’t the same as face to face interaction, but here are fun 7 Zoom date night ideas you can try to create the connection you are looking for.
Tour a virtual museum together
Travel virtually together and share unforgettable experiences with your Zoom date. Many places have started to offer virtual tours in order to maintain social distancing guidelines, so you can enjoy amazing places comfortably from your own home. Explore some sites virtually with your Zoom date and make a list of places to visit together in the future.

Have you been to Prague? Here is an amazing castle.
Vatican Italy Tours (Paid, must book in advance)
How about visiting China and experiencing its rich culture?
Painting night
When was the last time you used your artistic side? Get some paintbrushes, pens, and pencils, or gather any art supplies you find at home. Choose one picture from a famous artist, share it on your Zoom screen, and get creative. While you are painting, have a wonderful conversation, and enjoy a relaxing date together. Simply search “easy art for painting/drawing” and you will find many ideas for this exciting date.
Read together

Choose a favorite poem, a chapter from a book, or an article you find interesting or meaningful. (You can extend this to a playing song or playing a favorite scene from a movie.) Share with each other why it’s important to you and why you chose this piece to share with your date. Observe and pay attention to your date’s choice. It will tell you a lot about who they are. Because, our favorite art speaks to us on a deeper level and therefore there is always an important message in someone’s choice.
Favorite pictures
Select from your phone 10 of your favorite pictures and share them with your date. Tell them about each picture—your adventures, hobbies, family, things you love to take pictures of. Personal pictures are very intimate and you will be able to connect with your Zoom date by allowing each other to dive into each other’s lives and share this wonderful moment.
You can even add a challenge to your photos:
– share the last picture you took
– show something red in your photos
– expose photo you don’t want your mom to see
– the one picture you are the proudest of
– what is hidden in your phone—a very random picture
Movie night

It is very easy to set up a movie on your computer and share your screen with someone for a Zoom movie date. Add snacks and drinks to complete the movie atmosphere. P.S.: Netflix came up with an extension you can use for Zoom movie nights to synchronize your screening.
Truth or Dare
Who doesn’t love a game of truth or dare? A game full of surprises can make for a fantastic time with your partner. Don’t be afraid to get creative with questions and your dares. In addition, you can learn a lot about your Zoom date just by playing this simple game, and it can also be very sexy and flirtatious, depending on how you both want to play. Here are some ideas:
– What is your most embarrassing moment on a date?
– Confess, one thing you don’t want your date to know about you.
– Would you share the most romantic thing you have done for your ex-partner?
– You have 10 seconds to tell me all the things you like about me
– Take a sexy selfie and send it to me
– Take your shirt off for the rest of the call
Movie critique

Connect with your passion for movies. One of you shares a screen with a movie and you both take on the role of a movie critic. Analyze and evaluate short pieces of the film. You can even dress up for the occasion as if you’re going to a movie premiere.
You might ask questions, such as: what do you think about the plot? Are the costumes and makeup good? Do you find the actors’ performances believable? Also, you will learn about what your date focuses on when they watching a movie and how witty and creative they are. You’ll give you date a chance to laugh and show off their sense of humor, and most importantly you’ll both have fun.
Those are just some fun Zoom date ideas, but feel free to share your amazing Zoom date experiences with us, too!